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Sunday, August 23, 2020
Augustan Poetry Essay -- Literature
Augustan Poetry Frequently through hardship and almost outlandish trouble incredible gems are conceived. Despite the fact that long periods of slaughter and common war had tormented Rome since the passing of Julius Caesar, probably the most remarkable and persuasive writing in the western world was created in that time span. During the Age of Augustus (around 43 BC †17 AD) such extraordinary authors as Virgil, Horace, Livy, Propertius, and Ovid made epic perfect works of art of writing and theory. It was through the aggregate endeavors of these incredible artists and scholars just as Augustus himself, that the ascent of another aspect of Roman writing was conceivable. Seeing the chance to encourage an incredible resurrection of Roman culture (explicitly writing), Augustus and his nearest counselor Maecenas made a circumstance beneficial for the extraordinary essayists of an opportunity to compose (for the legislature) and benefit from their abilities. Augustus really needed enduring harmony and a strong establishment for his new government, thus he basically assisted the essayists who thus, in a roundabout way helped him. The incredible writing was not unadulterated purposeful publicity for Augustus (in spite of the fact that it was somewhat one-sided towards him) however from this recovery of Roman character through an unrest in writing, Augustus had the option to guarantee a lot of harmony, pride, success, and force from his kin and regard from the remainder of the antiquated world. The incredible scholarly resurgence of the Augustan Age would not have been conceivable without the extraordinary journalists of the time. Probably the most compelling, enticing, and incredible composing rose out of Caesar’s murder, the common wars, and the harmony from that point. Virgil was the first to start the scholarly blast as he asserted an exemplary Greek style of ... ...d advancement of society in Rome, Ovid tore literature’s force, and his own prosperity, to shreds. Despite the fact that it at last reached a conclusion, the Augustan Age made the absolute generally compelling, ground-breaking, and excellent works of western writing ever. The earth made by Augustus and Maecenas, the unbelievable abilities of the journalists and their eagerness to experience, investigate, and face challenges, to profit Roman culture prompted (likely) the best assortment of writing the western world has ever observed. Works Cited Wikimedia Foundation. â€Å"Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.†Last Updated: May 21, 2004. Date Visited: May 20, 2004. Wheelock, Frederic M. sixth Edition Wheelock’s Latin. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. 2000. Conte, Gian B. Latin Literature: A History. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1994.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Societal Views on Sports and Gender Essays -- Health Fitness
Cultural Views on Sports and Gender Sports have become a significant piece of American culture and society. It is imbued in us as a little kid that playing a game is practically fundamental. In primary school we take physical instruction where we are presented to serious game. Yet, even at this level it is our sexes that control which kinds of sports are considered fitting. Since ladies began to get associated with sports, there have consistently been the individuals who have restricted them being there. We saw a case of this in the film Girl Fight. By permitting a lady to participate in a game, for this situation boxing, that is regularly seen as male arranged in made society change its perspectives. This made numerous issues however. Individuals would prefer not to see lady is a battling job. It is believed to be unladylike and excessively unpleasant. Since battling is manly, seeing a lady in that job changes sexual orientation jobs in her locale. In spite of the fact that unmistakably the Diana can deal with herself in this film. Her way of life and society wouldn't like to see her in a solid manner. She faces numerous deterrents so as to show that she belongs where she is. In this film she is successful in light of the fact that it is her aptitudes and assurance that success out at long last, not her sex. Both in Girl Fight and in Pumping Iron 2 the subject of what is ladylike and what should a lady look and act like is raised. In Girl Fight, the possibility of a female fighter is regarded not ladylike. Diana is informed that she isn't right for being keen on male games. Additionally, her sexuality is addressed. Individuals call her a dyke and other injurious terms since they don't accept that she might be a typical young lady. By scrutinizing her sexuality they are stating too her that she isn't permitted to be ... ...g to their sexuality. Despite the fact that the football crew is unpleasant and the team promoters are national heroes. The reality these male team promoters are engaged with a ladylike game that makes them subject to scorn. There are certain things that can occur because of individuals playing sports not generally thought to be alright for their sexual orientation however. By having individuals in these jobs it separates hindrances among people in the public arena. There are continually going to be those that oppose this, however when all is said in done individuals become all the more aside from of each other. In any event that is the expectation. Diana, Bev, and the others were either depicting or being, for Bev's situation, pioneers in their games field. In any case, the way that they got the opportunity to contend at all gives us that our general public has made some amazing progress. However, the hindrances that they confronted, gives us that we despite everything have far to go. Cultural Views on Sports and Gender Essays - Health Fitness Cultural Views on Sports and Gender Sports have become a significant piece of American culture and society. It is instilled in us as a little youngster that playing a game is practically vital. In grade school we take physical training where we are presented to serious game. In any case, even at this level it is our sexes that control which sorts of sports are regarded fitting. Since ladies began to get engaged with sports, there have consistently been the individuals who have restricted them being there. We saw a case of this in the film Girl Fight. By permitting a lady to participate in a game, for this situation boxing, that is regularly seen as male arranged in made society adjust its perspectives. This made numerous issues however. Individuals would prefer not to see lady is a battling job. It is believed to be unladylike and excessively unpleasant. Since battling is manly, seeing a lady in that job changes sex jobs in her locale. In spite of the fact that unmistakably the Diana can deal with herself in this film. Her way of life and society wouldn't like to see her in a solid manner. She faces numerous impediments so as to show that she belongs where she is. In this film she is triumphant in light of the fact that it is her aptitudes and assurance that success out at long last, not her sexual orientation. Both in Girl Fight and in Pumping Iron 2 the subject of what is ladylike and what should a lady look and act like is raised. In Girl Fight, the possibility of a female fighter is considered not ladylike. Diana is informed that she isn't right for being keen on male games. Likewise, her sexuality is addressed. Individuals call her a dyke and other harsh terms since they don't accept that she might be an ordinary young lady. By scrutinizing her sexuality they are stating too her that she isn't permitted to be ... ...g to their sexuality. Despite the fact that the football crew is terrible and the team promoters are national heroes. The reality these male team promoters are associated with a ladylike game that makes them subject to scorn. There are certain things that can occur because of individuals playing sports not generally thought to be alright for their sexual orientation however. By having individuals in these jobs it separates hindrances among people in the public eye. There are continually going to be those that oppose this, yet all in all individuals become additionally with the exception of each other. At any rate that is the expectation. Diana, Bev, and the others were either depicting or being, for Bev's situation, pioneers in their games field. However, the way that they got the chance to contend at all gives us that our general public has made some amazing progress. However, the impediments that they confronted, gives us that we despite everything have far to go.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Animal Essays (1984 words) - Meat Industry, Animal Welfare
Creature Languishing At the point when you go out to eat and take a gander at your thick and succulent T-bone steak what do you consider? At the point when you take a gander at that stunning mink coat in the office store what is experiencing your psyche? At the point when you here that tobacco smoke causes malignancy in lab creatures what is the principal thing that rings a bell? Odds are that in every one of these cases you were not considering how the dairy animals endured while it was being filled out, ho difficult the snare was that gotten those mink, or then again the conditions those lab creatures cap to suffer to build up that malignancy. Most individuals don't consider these things. Be that as it may, in this paper, you will be edified on the torment and enduring of creatures in three unique enterprises furthermore, you will likewise get notification from the opposite side of this issue. Initial, one of the greatest offenders of creature enduring is the creature food industry. This is an industry in which individuals tend to shut out or overlook the creature abuse; this is finished by disassociating oneself with the immediate damage and disregarding the roundabout damage (Harnack 133). A decent beginning under this model in the instance of pigs. Typically, pigs are savvy creatures fit for appearing love. They have generally excellent faculties of smell, which is the reason pigs have been utilized as chasing creatures (Coats 31). This typical conduct is upset anyway in the food industry. Pigs are taken to butcher at around twenty a month old enough at the point when they are roughly 220 pounds (Coats 32). Pigs are generally mass-confined into bunches that comprise of different pigs of a similar sex and age. This can cause over the top forcefulness in the creatures because of the smothering of the characteristic social requests, which are practiced however blending (Coats 33). Due to dormancy in confines, pigs become exhausted and do things, for example, bite on the bars of the pen or on the body portions of different pigs. Manufacturing plant proprietors endeavor to cure this by doing things, for example, removing a piglet's tail not long after being conceived (Coats 33). There is additionally sexual orientation explicit pitilessness. To lessen forcefulness, male pigs are emasculated. More often than not, this is managed without sedative. This is a training seen in different divisions of the ranch business as well (Coats 33). A manufacturing plant reproducing sow [pig] midpoints more than two litters a year and ten litters in a real existence time. With ten or eleven piglets for each litter, she brings 100-110 piglets into the frameworks during the initial four to five years of her life (Coats 34). The pig manufacturing plant proprietors attempt to get the best sum of piglets at all measure of time. They do this by attempting to discover the ideal measure of time to leave a piglet with his mom. The later a piglet is weaned away from his mom, the better possibility it will live, anyway this is time that the mother isn't pregnant (Coats 34). Pigs bound in confines in manufacturing plants have a high pace of infection and physical issues that run from respiratory ailments to faltering and broken legs (Coats 45). Next, we have dairy animals. Dairy animals have the opportunity to go into three distinctive division of the cultivating industry: dairy cow, veal calf, or hamburger cow (Coats 7). Right off the bat, concerning milk cows, the main time that a female dairy animals produces milk is after she has had a calf, and she just delivers for whatever length of time that the calf nurses (Coats 50). To keep the dairy animals creating milk, they should be impregnated about once every year what's more, conceive an offspring (Coats 56). While a calf is as yet getting milk from its mom, it drinks little amounts around twenty times each day. The bovine renews itself varying. In the dairy ranch, a cow is sucked dry around two to three times each day. This powers a bovine to be over stacked and burdened with milk (Coats 50-51). At the point when an excellent cow is discovered, she is set aside for reproducing. She is offered medications to instigate the creation of more eggs. These eggs are treated with the sperm of super-bulls and the incipient organisms are embedded into various cows. This can cause issues if the calf embedded is bigger than the mother can hold up under (Coats 56-57). Besides, under bovines, we have the veal calf. The primary asset for veal calves is the calves of dairy bovines (Coats 61). As per David Coats, The idea is basic yet exceptionally savage; from birth, calves are
Responsible Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Mindful Business - Essay Example Additionally, the conversation of this report will likewise assess the idea of moral business and its significance just as effect on business conduct in the public arena. Moreover, the report means to center after assessing the job of government as an influencer or empowering agent comparable to rehearse business morals inside an association. The Aspects Constitutes Responsible Business ’Responsible Business’ can be expressed as a discernment where an association includes responsibility in forcing critical effect in its distinctive operational capacities. It has been clearly seen that the associations of various sizes utilize just as execute procedures with the aim of achieving their business goals effectively. In this comparable setting, a compelling moral thought inside the business condition helps the business people to build up their business exhibitions alongside meeting the general desires for their partners by an impressive level. A dependable business on a very basic level plans to meet expected results that produces from certain significant projects, for example, raising mindfulness with respect to any moral issues, creating dynamic procedures and diminishing wrongdoings that win while performing distinctive operational capacities. Moreover, a mindful business impressively centers upon ceaselessly building up the business exhibitions by taking into concern its inward just as outside business condition. The associations in the current day setting are profoundly engaged to lead distinctive natural activities so as to improve their business execution that at last backings them to perform dependable business everywhere (International Trade Administration, n.d.). Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) according to distinguish the viewpoints that comprises dependable business, it tends to be expressed that the methodology of moral business and CSR are every now and again actualized reciprocally. In such manner, the idea of mo ral business comprises code of good norms and qualities that administers the conduct of an individual or gathering as to recognize their various exercises. In addition, the impression of moral business fundamentally underlines after adjusting the business exhibitions and the requirements just as the wants of the general public where it plays out its operational capacities. It includes certain ethical rules alongside rules that guarantee to direct business tasks just as social parts of the authoritative individuals in an effective way (Crane and Matten, 2004). With regards to CSR, it tends to be distinguished that the methodology for example moral business altogether includes various parts of duty that incorporate lawful, monetary, moral just as intentional magnanimous exercises both for the association and its working social orders. Logically, it tends to be expressed that the legitimate duties of a moral business are fundamentally the laws and guidelines that are followed while per forming operational funct
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Connecting Two Different Worlds
The magic of Cambridge is hidden behind the historical stories of the sights-buildings, rivers, chapels, structures, and even some coffee shops- because the city itself is like a pop-up history book. Furthermore, from a bird’s eye view, there are probably more tourists than locals. The most relaxing activity for a tourist or a local in a beautiful weather would be punting around Cambridge. Watching people inside the little boat, I say there are three main attractions they are interested in the most- handsome punters, old buildings and a little wooden bridge. Inside Queen’s College, modernity meets history with a simple looking wooden bridge from 1700s. It connects Presidents’ Lodge, a 650 year-old building and also the oldest one in Cambridge, to the modernized and restored part of Queen’s campus.  The Wooden Bridge, alias â€Å"Mathematical Bridge†was designed by William Etridge in 1748 and was built by James Essex a year later. In fact, t he left side of Presidents’ Lodge is called â€Å"Essex Building†after him. The reason why it is called Mathematical Bridge is because only triangles and straight lines were used. The bridge is still in a good shape and can carry many people at once, thanks to the great combination of geometry and physics. A popular legend is that the bridge was designed and built by Sir Isaac Newton without using nuts and bolts; however the fact that he died in 1728 makes this myth a ridiculous one to trick gullible tourists. Underneath this perfectly engineered bridge, there is a beautiful, smooth river like a tablecloth called River Cam. Occasionally, swans and ducks follow the boats, but guides warn tourists to not feed them. â€Å"It feels like walking through time,†Sam Lawrence, a British student from a Cambridge summer school says. The bridge had carried loads of people from different times, status, cultures, emotions, purposes etc. Even so, people don’t appr eciate the importance of these intelligent people who created these brilliant sights. There is more to the story rather than a bridge that connects two parts of Queens’ campus-it connects two completely different worlds.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
2019 Best Brightest Riley Doherty, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Foisie)
Riley Doherty 2019 Best Brightest: Riley Doherty, Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Foisie) by: Jeff Schmitt on March 24, 2019 | 0 Comments Comments 350 Views March 24, 2019Riley Doherty Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Foisie Business Schoolâ€Å"Never assume that loud is strong and quiet is weak.†Fun fact about yourself: I was on the Bozo the clown showHometown: Shrewsbury, MassachusettsHigh School: Worcester AcademyMajor: Industrial Engineering and EconomicsFavorite Business Course: Practical OptimizationExtracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College:Varsity Soccer – Scholar All-American (2018), Captain (2018), All-Region (2018), Academic All-Region (2017, 2018), All-Conference (2017, 2018), Academic All-Conference (2016, 2017, 2018), Conference Rookie of the Year (2015)Alpha Tau Omega FraternityTau Beta Pi Honors SocietyMathematics Peer Learning AssistantFinancial Executives International ScholarCharles O. Thompson ScholarWhere have you intern ed during your college career? Travelers Insurance Hartford, CT – Business Intelligence Intern in Bond and Specialty InsuranceDell Technologies Hopkinton, MA – Associate Program Manager InternEMC Hopkinton, MA – Associate Program Manager InternWhere will you be working after graduation? I will be working at Wayfair as a Business Intelligence Analyst.Who is your favorite professor? I have had a number of great professor’s during my time at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, but Professor Andrew Trapp has influenced me the most. Professor Trapp opened my eyes to uses of Industrial Engineering that I never knew existed and inspired me to look for ways to use the skills I have learned at WPI not just to find ways to increase profits, but to improve my community.What did you enjoy most about your business school? WPI differs from many other business schools with their commitment to a project-based curriculum. The project-based curriculum begins in your freshm an year and continues throughout all four years. These projects present you with the opportunity to spend time solving problems that you are passionate about. Living in New England, I have seen first-hand the impact of the opioid epidemic in the United States. My senior project has focused on the effects of opioid use on the foster care system. I have been able to take what I have learned in the classroom to decrease the time that children spend in the foster care system and make a meaningful impact on my community.What advice would you give to a student looking to major in a business-related field? If you are planning on majoring in business, and have the opportunity, you should spend the time to improve your technical skills. Many people will choose to either major in business or major in a more technical field. If you wish to set yourself apart incorporate both of these. There will always be a demand for people that are able to understand and contribute to both the technical side of a company as well as the business side.What has surprised you most about majoring in business? During my years at WPI, I was surprised by the way that the business majors could complement the engineering students in the projects we worked on together. These groups tended to approach issues in different ways, but the end result was better than if tackled by like-minded people. As I started my job search, I was surprised at the many different directions that my education could take me in.â€Å"If I didn’t major in business, I would be majoring in or studying†¦mathematics. Throughout high school, I always enjoyed math and sciences more than any other classes. I went to WPI with the intention of studying mathematics, but once I learned that I could combine my passion for math and science with a business background I knew that Industrial Engineering was the perfect fit for me.Who most influenced your decision to pursue business in college? The person who most influenced my decision to pursue a business degree was my older sister, Emily Doherty. For as long as I can remember, she has set an example and set a high bar for me to reach. She started in the business program in WPI while I was still in high school. I saw the success that she had and knew this was something I was definitely interested in. I was accepted at two prestigious business programs that were more traditional, but my ultimate decision to attend WPI was due to her enthusiasm for the program and the opportunities offered to her.Which academic, extracurricular or personal achievement are you most proud of? I am most proud of being named a Scholar All-American by the United Soccer Coaches Association. Growing up my parents always stressed the importance of a well-balanced life, and as a student-athlete, it can be difficult to balance the demands of playing a collegiate sport and your work in the classroom. Being recognized for my performance on the field as well as my successes in the c lassroom was an amazing honor to receive.Which classmate do you most admire? I have had the opportunity to share the classroom with many amazing students. With that being said, Tyler Weiss stands out amongst all of the people I have met at WPI. He is a fellow fraternity brother and a double major in two of the most difficult majors at WPI; Aerospace Engineering and Electrical Engineering. Over the years, we have developed a friendly competition in regards to our academic performance and used this to push ourselves to be the best we could be.  I thank him for the encouragement over the years and admire his success.Who would you most want to thank for your success? As clichà © as it may sound, I can’t thank my family enough for the many successes I have enjoyed. My parents have always stressed that you need to try everything, do it to the best of your ability and remain humble throughout. My sister Emily has been there to set the standard and one of my proudest moments was when I walked across the stage to accept my All-American award, knowing that she had accepted the same award three years prior.What are the top two items on your bucket list? Climb Mount KilimanjaroVisit New ZealandWhat are your hobbies? I enjoy playing soccer, competing in Crossfit, and reading.What made Riley such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2019?â€Å"I have been asked to comment as to why Riley Doherty is such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2019. I have served as Riley Dohertys academic advisor, his professor in two courses, and also his senior design project (known as the MQP, at WPI). While I could expand on the many athletic accolades that Riley has racked up over his years at WPI (including the First-Ever United Soccer Coaches Scholar All-American and All-New England), Ill stick to his academic work. Riley was at the top his class in his coursework, earning solid A grades for both courses, and likely an A grade on his MQP experience (while not yet com plete, it is certainly on track). I think whats especially powerful about the MQP, is that the students (truly led by Riley), on their own volition, pursued an atypical path of applying their industrial engineering skillsets to improving not a manufacturing process, but that of the foster care system. Specifically, they are investigating predictive and prescriptive models to estimate which foster care services have the most impact on reducing the overall days in the foster care system, and the proposing a model to allocate those services where there is most need, to minimize the overall time in the system. Rarely have I seen the blend of strong leadership and academic talent that Riley embodies let alone his athletic abilities.†Andrew Trapp, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Operations and Industrial Engineering Foisie Business School Worcester Polytechnic Institute Page 1 of 11
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
SI Definition - System Internationale
SI Definition: SI is the abbreviation for System Internationale. SI is the name given to the standard metric system of units. Also Known As: System Internationale, Metric System Common Misspellings: Systeme International
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